The Japekrom Traditional Council (JTC) has appealed to government to ensure that the district capital of South Jaman is changed to Japekrom in accordance with the Statutory Declaration Act of 1971 and the Supreme Court ruling of 2015.
Speaking at a media briefing yesterday in Accra, Okatakyie Amoa Aturu Nkonknonkyia II, President of JTC said, since the Statutory declaration had been duly gazetted on Friday October 13, 2017, it was time to implement the declarations.
He said though Drobo was an extension of Japekrom township, it had rather erroneously assumed the status of the district capital, a situation which was legally wrong and geographically untenable since the location of Drobo and Jaman south were far apart.
Nana Nkonkonkyia said, the Supreme Court had since 2015 ruled on the issue, however the enforcement of the court order had been caught in the legal tussles which seemed unending and frustrating.
He said to make matters worse, during the drafting of the Legislative Instrument to establish the Jaman South District Assembly, Japekrom was misrepresented as Drobo while the name Japekrom was also omitted as an Electoral Area saying," it was upon this basis the JTC initiated the process to correct the error.
Nana Nkonkonyia said, the JTC would not tolerate the branding of Japekrom Stool land and any of the settlements on its stool lands in any manner suggestive of belonging to another traditional council other than Japekrom, adding that legal remedy and any other actions acceptable by traditional customs shall be employed as and when necessary.
He further drew the attention of public and private organisations to the court decisions and ensure for them that they operated within the dictates of the judgment and order of the courts.
"It is our hope that all the people in Japekrom and its environs shall take notice of this factual information and live in peace with one another," he said.
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