Whenever rogues and for that matter thieves are being pursued, trust that other thieves will join in the pursuit.
The unprovoked attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023, where over 1,400 Jews were killed, has resulted in Israel unleashing inferno on Gaza. Today, is Day 100. Many nations would want to see the end of this war and one country decided to use legal means to achieve that, and that country is South Africa.
The Rainbow nation is requesting from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, Netherland, an injunction that will immediately halt Israel’s military action in Gaza. South Africa is claiming that Israel has violated the Genocide Convention, an international treaty requiring nations to prevent genocide. A South African lead lawyer, Adila Hassim said “The level of Israel’s killing is so extensive that nowhere is safe in Gaza.”
The question is, is South Africa credible enough to accuse Israel of genocide? Is it not a case of whenever a thief is being pursued, other thieves will join in the pursuit?
South Africa today, can be said to be a racist nation, which loves to murder other Black Africans in that country in the unholy acts of xenophobia. So, what is it doing at the ICJ?
This is the country that during the apartheid regime, majority of Free Africa, sent financial assistance to the freedom fighters and took on many youths to their countries to get educated for free. Ghana was one of those nations and the Southern African students were accommodated in the International Students’ Hostel sited at the current location of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Good money that could boost the economy of these African nations were usedin supporting our suffering Black brothers and sisters in Southern Africa.
During the apartheid regime, Black African immigrants in South Africa faced discrimination and violence, from Black South Africans due to competition for scarce economic opportunities.
When South Africa gained true independence in 1994, many youths in the Black African nations trooped down South for greener pastures. But unfortunately, xenophobia increased. A Pew Research poll conducted in 2018 showed that 62% of Black South Africans viewed Black African immigrants as a burden on society by taking jobs and social benefits. So, they must die. Without any provocation they get slaughtered by Black South Africans.
It was said that during apartheid the blacks in South Africa were indoctrinated by the whites that they were far superior than the blacks in Free Africa and must be treated like animals. Black South African refugee students looked down on their hosts.
So, non-South Africa Black Africans’ lives do not matter to our brothers and sisters from the Rainbow nation. As and when they feel like, they will move in groups and kill other Black Africans.
Even though these bloody occasions made wide-world head-line news, the United Nations and shockingly the African Union do not seem to notice.
With innocent blood on the hands of South Africa, it is quite strange that this country can get up and boldly point its blood-stained fingers at another country and accused it of genocide.
In the matter before the ICJ, one may say that South Africa is not a credible witness. In fact, South Africa’s presence there is a mockery to justice. This nation can shed innocent blood as when it pleases and get away with it, but will drag another country to court, accusing it of genocide. The UN and the AU must wake up and address this South Africa xenophobic addiction.
After suffering years under apartheid, all the Black South Africans can do to whites is to pull down the statue of Cecil Rhodes on April 9, 2015, but turn round and unleash their anger on innocent Black African immigrants whose mistake was to sacrifice and get them out of apartheid.
Okay, so South Africa has taken Israel to the ICJ. Was this African nation not aware of what happened on October 7, 2023? Why did South Africa not drag Hamas and the Palestine side of Gaza to ICJ for their unprovoked attack on Israel?
This genocide of the Jewish people is what has resulted in what is happening in Gaza, today. The protests, which are going on in the over thirty countries today, would have been useful if they took place immediately after Oct 7, 2023 and against the Arabs. If the UN had swifty pull forces into Gaza to hunt down the murderers, Israel would not have gone this far. It is as if institutions, nations and peoples are not aware of what Israel is capable of doing when provoked.
What started this Arab-Israeli conflicts? In 1948, five Arab countries attacked the young nation Israel and nobody took these nations on. The result of this unprovoked attack is what has gotten the Middle East to this stage.
Most of the Arab nations keep pronouncing that Israel and all Jews must be wiped off the surface of the earth and nobody saw anything wrong with this. But Israel is being attacked for not recognising Palestine as a state. The world is not helping matters in the Middle East.
And in all this South Africa has dragged Israel to the ICJ. Well, as I always say, “When a thief is being pursued, thieves join in the pursuit.”
Hon Daniel Dugan
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.
The post South Africa and the Case of Pursuit of a Thief appeared first on The Chronicle News Online.
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