Innovation and technology are gradually taking ground in the Ghanaian banking sector, with many banks utilizing technology to make banking faster and easier for their customers.Speaking on JOYNEWS’ business leadership program the Executive Lounge, CEO of Stanbic Bank Ghana Alhassan Andani, said looking at the trends of technology in the financial sector, in the next ten to 15 years, bank buildings may be non-existent.
He attributes this to the growth of digital banking and the dawn of digital currency such as bitcoin.
“At the rate, we are going, in the next ten to 15 years, you will ask someone “are you going to the bank” and they might ask, “where is that? We are evolving so quickly that everything that used to be done in the banking hall, is in the palm of our customers now.”
He went on to say that the collaboration between banks and other everyday institutions is making the switch to digital banking faster than one may have thought 10 years ago.
“We will still do client advise and provide consulting services, but technology will be such that these services will be done on platforms instead of in location based banking halls”.
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