In a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency, the AAMI notes that the contents of the National Alcohol Policy are in line with its own commitment to the promotion of responsible drinking.
“AAMI and its members have been advocating for a NAP since 2006 and so it comes as welcome news that the Ministry Health has finally adopted a NAP that has all stakeholders support,” the statement said.
The National Alcohol Policy sets out a policy direction aimed at regulating the production, distribution sale, advertisement and consumption of alcohol, with the aim of minimising the negative impact of its abuse on the individual, family and society as a whole.
Corporate and Legal Affairs Director of Accra Brewery Limited, and current chairperson of AAMI, Adjoba Kyiamah said: “We pledge our full support for the National Alcohol Policy and the immediate development of the Legislative Instrument.
“We believe effective implementation of the NAP will ensure all beverage alcohol manufacturers and importers in Ghana will be required to advertise and sell their products in a responsible manner. As responsible and compliant businesses, we would like to see best practice amongst all producers and importers of beverage alcohol, especially when it comes to the advertising and sale of alcohol,” she added.
The Association last year signed the ‘Code of Commercial Communications’ to regulate the conduct of their business in the advertising of their members’ brands; an essential measure in the Association’s partnership with government and maintaining public trust.
The code ensures members maintain the highest standards in all their commercial communications including advertising in print and electronic media, packaging, merchandising, consumer promotions, product placement, point of sale information, sponsorship and research.
The Association of Alcohol Manufacturers and Importers (AAMI) was incorporated in 2008 with the objective of promoting responsible attitudes and behaviour in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
AAMI members are committed to being compliant with laws and regulations of Ghana, hence the promotion of responsible alcohol consumption as mandated by the Food Advertising Guidelines of the Food & Drugs Authority.
The 25 member companies believe that societally acceptable alcohol beverage consumption is possible with a responsible industry and society. Read Full Story