Gambrah Sampeney KWABENA ADJEI
Dominance can be a double-edged sword. Unchecked, it can lead to complacency and stagnation. History offers valuable lessons from the business world, where giants fell due to ignoring emerging trends. Similarly, political parties can learn from their own experiences and adapt to changing public opinions.
The story of Abbot Downing
In 1889, Abbot Downing, a renowned horse wagon manufacturer, dominated the market with a US$125million share. However, their success blinded them to emerging threats.
John Boyd Dunlop, a visionary, predicted the decline of horse-drawn wheels and envisioned the future of rubber tyres. His warnings fell on deaf ears.
The consequences of complacency
Abbot Downing’s refusal to adapt led to their downfall. The world moved on and their iconic horse wheels became obsolete. The same fate awaits political parties and businesses that neglect emerging trends and public opinions.
Parallels with politics
- Ignoring grassroots voices: Dominant political parties often overlook emerging voices, leading to voter disillusionment and eventual loss of support.
- Failure to adapt: Complacency can lead to stagnation, making it challenging to address changing public needs and opinions.
Lessons for political parties and businesses
- Engage with emerging trends: Stay attuned to changing public opinions and emerging trends.
- Foster innovation: Encourage internal innovation and collaboration.
- Listen to critics: Acknowledge and address concerns from all stakeholders.
- Evolve or perish: Adapt to changing circumstances or risk becoming irrelevant.
Case study: Political parties
- Ghana’s political landscape: Dominant parties – NPP and NDC – often overlook emerging voices, leading to voter disillusionment.
- US Presidential Elections: The Democratic and Republican parties’ failure to adapt to changing public opinions contributed to recent election upsets.
Dominance can be sustained by embracing change, listening to emerging voices and adapting to shifting public opinions. Political parties and businesses must recognise the importance of evolution to remain relevant.
1.Conduct regular market research: Stay informed about public opinions and emerging trends.
2.Engage with critics: Address concerns and incorporate diverse perspectives.
3.Embrace change: Adapt to changing circumstances to maintain dominance.
By learning from history and embracing change, political parties and businesses can ensure their continued relevance and success.
The post The folly of dominance appeared first on The Business & Financial Times.
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