The Coalition of Muslim Organisation Ghana (COMOG), on Sunday held a National Muslim Consultative forum in Accra to deliberate on how to mobilise and sensitise the community in providing accurate information of themselves in the 2020 Population and Housing Census.
The event, held on the theme, "2020 Population Census; Muslims Count so Count Them," was also to help address the dispute among communities of previous census, challenging the authenticity of the exact population of Muslims in the country.
It was attended by about 30 members of the Islamic communities, including representatives from the Office of the National Chief Imam and the Acting Deputy Government Statistician of the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), Mr David Kombat.
Alhaji Mohammed Gado Mamah, the Chairman of National Chief Imam Advisory Board, speaking on the theme, said it was imperative to create awareness within the Zongo communities and mosques to provide accurate information of themselves in order to avoid misinformation.
According to him, the upcoming census was important in providing vital information of the population growth of their communities for development planning.
"We have to educate and sensitise our fellow Muslims to provide a valid information about themselves because in this modern era, we need data not only for our demographic growth but also for development and planning in creating policies that can support the good name of Islam."
On his part Mr Kombat, noted that the GSS would go across the country to recruit field officers within their own districts in order for them to speak and relate actively with their own people.
He assured them that the GSS would 'leave no one behind' and ensure a successful counting and accurate demographic data of the entire country.
Mr Kombat also noted that they would engage organisations as well as the National Chief Imam, Sheik (Dr) Nuhu Sharubutu, to sensitise the communities to provide accurate data in the census.
Alhaji M. B. Adams Musah, speaking on behalf of the Upper West Regional Chief Imam, urged the GSS to obtain the right data because it was important for the development of the nation.
He noted that since Islamic activities such as Hajj was carried out every year boosted the economy, there was the need for the Muslim community to have data structure.
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