What does the summary mean?
Recall the math that you studied at school. There were different equations you had to resolve and to get the sum at the end. For example, the sum of the simplest example 1 1 is 2. Thus, the summary is the result that you receive after putting all the components together. We use summarizing skills every day, not only in the math. It helps us to make decisions, to make choices, and to make opinions. We also use it while writing papers, essays, and paragraphs. Weak summarizing skills can harden our lives and cause varied problems. Fortunately, we can develop and improve our skills to summarize by learning the basic rules and practicing steadily.
The guide to summarize effectively
To summarize the information you received from reading, listening, or any other way, you have to follow several ground rules. Some people use the acronym PACVS to describe the process of making the summary. It can be deciphered as Prediction, Ask, Compare, Visualize and Summary. Let us look carefully at each step to understand what do they mean.
The first step you have to do is to look at the title. When you take a book, a magazine, a box with something inside, you always have to look at the title to Predict what is hidden inside. For instance, if the title on the box is “Milk”, you can almost for sure predict that the box contains milk even before opening it. If the title of the book is “How to write an effective essay”, most likely, you will find different rules, pieces of advice, recommendations, and some relevant examples of essay writing under the cover. You can get much useful information by looking at the title.
Secondly, it is expedient to Ask yourself several questions, based on the prediction you have made. For example, if you have predicted that there are grammar rules inside the book, ask yourself “Would this book teach me how to write a narrative essay?” or “Will I get the writing help?” The purpose of such question is to find out whether you understand the subject properly. Ask as many questions as you need to fully discover the subject and write them down, as you will need them later.
The C letter from the acronym mentioned above means “Compare”. You have to compare your prediction with the questions. This comparison will give you an imagination about what you have expected before reading and what you have got at the finish. By looking at that comparison, you will be able to determine what information you have learned from the book, and what questions still remain uncovered. A comparison will clarify things for you. Moreover, when you read the information you have asked before, you focus on this and memorize it betters.
The next letter states that you have to Visualize. Try to make a picture in your head about what you are going to learn from the book. By imagining the information from your comparison, you will perceive it easier and deeper during reading. If you can visualize the things from the comparison part, it means that you understand it. You know exactly what are you looking for.
The final letter means Summary by itself. To write the correct and informative summary you need to take the keywords from the previous step. Recall those pictures in your memory and turn them into ideas that will cover the information that you were lacking before.
To conclude, if you want to improve your essay writing, you have to be able to summarize or you can try firstly writing service help like paperocket.net for the matching example. It will definitely help you to become better and more confident writer.