The Minister-designate for Labour, Jobs, and Employment, Dr Abdul-Rashid Hassan Pelpuo, at his vetting yesterday, put out a number of actions he intends to implement once approved by Parliament’s Appointments Committee.
What he touched on are relevant and sensitive, and The Ghanaian Times has decided to comment on some of them, namely his vow to protect Ghanaian workers from mistreatment by foreign business owners and ensure fair labour practices; the need for a review and full enforcement of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) and its accompanying legal instruments; workplace reforms, driven by technological advancements, and the need for adjustments to labour laws to reflect current trends; concerns about employment (hiring of workers) in the private sector and plans to create a centralised system that publishes all available job vacancies, making it easier for job seekers to access the opportunities; the resolve to strongly oppose workplace violence and harassment; and the need to have a national discussion on whether the retirement age should be reviewed in line with economic and demographic realities.
The Ghanaian Times believes that Dr Pelpuo shall be approved to roll out his good intentions to sanitise and improve the labour sector, but should bear in mind that he has to break down the status quo in the areas he wishes to tread in order to succeed.
Dr Pelpuo should extend his vow to protect Ghanaian workers from mistreatment by foreign entities in the country to Ghanaian-owned businesses in the private sector, as well as those with public establishments.
Every Ghanaian shop-floor worker face some form of mistreatment or another no matter where he or she is working and it is worst with some political appointees and management staff members who have connections to the corridors of all manner of powers.
They use intimidation and harassment to gag their subordinates to feel valueless and helpless to take any action against or to challenge their insolent, insensitive and cruel heads.
In the circumstance, we tie in here the need for a review and full enforcement of the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) and its accompanying legal instruments to say that there is the need for the law to work and effectively to eliminate the situation, where some third parties step in to beg for erring “big people” in workplaces.
Those of us working on The Ghanaian Times wish to remind Dr Pelpuo that certain things are easily said than done but once someone dare says them, there is the need to give the person the benefit of the doubt.
Creating a centralised system that publishes all available job vacancies, making it easier for job seekers to access the opportunities is the best to do but we wonder if such a system would not be an advert source without effectively attaining its objectives of ensuring fairness, giving equal opportunity in job acquisition, ensuring meritocracy, and avoiding corruption in the employment process among others we can imagine.
In a situation where employment acquisition is riddled with nepotism, including the protocol system and bribery and corruption, how is the centralised system going to work?
The Ghanaian Times supports all workplace reforms, driven by technological advancements, and the need for adjustments to labour laws to reflect current trends because, at least, the reforms would save some costs, if some tasks are performed from home, for instance.
To review the country’s general retirement age of 60 year in line with economic and demographic realities is an ideal thing but raising it or reducing it has a number of implications, including financial costs to the state and dwindling employment opportunities for young job seekers in particular.
All other retirement issues can be reviewed but the age.
The Ghanaian Times wishes Dr Pelpuo well in his endeavour.
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