Mr. Agyapong in the wake of the lawlessness being exhibited by the dreaded vigilante group affiliated with the NPP, the Delta Force, threatened to cause mayhem if the president through the National security Minister does not desist from threatening to arrest him.
“I have said it, if he likes he should come and arrest me. I am ready for them; I have a lot of issues and if they don’t take care I will bring the party down,” said the Assin-Central legislator.
According to Prof. Gyampo, this open show of disrespect to authority is wrong and must be condemned by all and sundry.
Speaking Tuesday on Morning Starr, he said: “What is worrying is that it looks as if in our body politic or in our multi-party democratic dispensation we tend to tolerate and glorify certain individuals who may have gain notoriety in causing disaffection for the party…certain individuals who may have gained notoriety in spewing political invectives and also inciting people to go on rampage or for violence and all that.
And I’m specifically referring to people like honourable Kennedy Agyapong.”
For him, the NPP over the years had been overly tolerant of the way and manner Mr. Agyapong had openly misconducted himself which is dangerous to the country’s tranquility.
Prof. Gyampo added that he was not surprised when members of the vigilante group soon after Mr. Agyapong’s open disregard of the president’s orders raided a circuit court in Kumasi freeing 13 of their colleagues.
He said it was about time a spade is called a spade and that the conducts of the likes of Mr. Agyapong must be strongly condemned.
“So that if for nothing at all for the sake of party discipline if the whole commander-in-chief, the leader of a party, the head of state comes up to say some of these things to call for calm and restraint and to say that those who have taken the laws in their hands must be brought to book.
If for nothing at all for party discipline sake….we should respect what the president says. But we have a president coming up to say something and we have a senior person in the party also coming up to dare the president and all that.
“I think it is something that is unacceptable and it is about time those gaining notoriety within political parties for doing some of these things [are condemned,” Prof. Gyampo said. Read Full Story