Speaking on Peace FM's 'Kokrokoo', James Kwabena Bomfeh, also called Kabila, condemned the recent attacks by the "Delta Force", a vigilante group belonging to the NPP.
According to him, the group's actions should not be condoned by the ruling party because they are affiliated with them.
Kabila advised the NPP not to "dignify" the "Delta Force" by giving reasons for their actions because no matter the promises that were given them, the group has no right to attack personalities and the law court as they did.
Kabila admonished the NPP government not to make political equalization by alluding to past incidents of vandalism by vigilante groups during the erstwhile Mahama regime.
To him, it is the NPP that's in power and so should do everything within their power to maintain law and order in the country.
“I don’t want to dignify them. They don’t need our dignifying them. They’re not. They’re not worth it . . . Today, you have power in hands, correct the wrong.”
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