Fijai — Most Reverend Edward Kwamina Minnah, was on Saturday, consecrated and enthroned as the second Archbishop of the Orthodox Anglican Church (OAC) of Ghana.
Most Rev. Minnah, who was nominated to the Episcopacy at a Special Diocesan Convention, held on June 30, this year, succeeds Most Rev. Jacob Augustine Welbourne, first Bishop, who retired in 2015.
Most Rev. Minnah also former Rector of the Church of Christ The Healer of OAC Ghana, Nkotompo, in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, becomes the Bishop of the Diocese of St Peter and Paul, The Apostles, Sekondi.
The Primate and Archbishop of the Orthodox Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Thomas Edward Gordon, the Chief Consecrator and Celebrant, was assisted by the President, African Bishops Conference of OAC, Most Rev. Dr Christopher Izegbua Umane, Bishop of Ogun State Diocese Nigeria, Rt. Rev Solomon R.Adewumi and the Bishop of Edo North Central Diocese, Nigeria, to perform the ceremony.
Most Rev. Minnah promised to work in conformity with and in obedience to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the OAC of Ghana, and in reverence and canonical obedience to the Archbishop of the Anglican Communion.
Most Rev. Gordon, charged Most Rev. Minnah, "Maintain and set forward as much as it lies in you, quietness, love, and peace among all men; correct and punish according to such authority as you have to God's word".
Most Rev. Gordon, assisted by Bishops and other clergy, anointed Most Rev. Minnah, and presented him with a symbol of office and a Bible.
Most Rev. Gordon said "Be to the flock of Christ a shepherd, not a wolf; feed them, devour them not. Hold the weak, heal the sick, bind the broken and seek the lost. Be merciful, minister discipline that you forget chief shepherd shall appear, you may receive the never-fading crown of God through Jesus Christ our Lord."
The Primate and Archbishop of the OAC, noted that, although, the leadership of the church would change, the truth about the sacrament, the Holy Catholic Church, doctrine and the teachings, would remain the same.
Rev. Gordon said, the consecration of the new Bishop was a testimony that the church upholds its tradition, adding that "our brother, the Bishop, taking the office, today, knows how difficult the job is, but, he, is to rely on Jesus and the Holy Spirit."
Rev. Gordon affirmed that "I am assured that my brother knows the difficulties of this office, diocese and the ministry", reminding the new Bishop that "we all can't claim holiness, salvation come by his grace and mercies."
Most Rev. Gordon said God restores mercies and grace to his people and humanity, "according to his own plan" and mentioned that "Jesus will restore the land by His grace."
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