Ah, Valentine's Day, the one day a year when love is on steroids, florists make a fortune, and restaurants are booked solid. It’s the day of chocolates, flowers, and romantic surprises… or so we hope.
But let’s be honest some people just don’t get it right. There are certain things you should never say to a woman on Valentine’s Day unless you’re trying to single-handedly destroy the mood. If you value your relationship (or your life), here are a few phrases to avoid at all costs!
1. Oh, was today supposed to be special?
Sir, do you have a death wish? How do you forget the one day the entire world has been screaming about since January? Even the supermarkets have been slapping red and pink decorations in your face for weeks. If you say this, just know you're sleeping on the couch for the foreseeable future.
2. Babe, you know I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day.
Oh really? But you believe in your birthday, Christmas, and free food at parties? Nice try. While some people genuinely don’t care for the holiday, dismissing it completely without considering your partner’s feelings is a terrible move. Just because you don’t believe in it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want a little romance.
3. I’ll take you out tomorrow when it’s cheaper.
You just told her she’s not worth full-price love? On Valentine’s Day?? If you’re that concerned about saving money, at least disguise it better. Say something like, “Babe, I planned a surprise for the weekend so we can enjoy ourselves without the rush.” See? Sounds WAY better.
4. My ex used to love Valentine’s Day.
Oh, so now we’re bringing up exes? Do you also want to dig your own grave while you’re at it? Never. Ever. Ever. Compare your current partner to an ex—especially on a day meant for romance. Unless, of course, you're aiming for a solo Valentine’s next year.
5. Can we go 50/50 on the bill?
Look, splitting bills is totally fine in a relationship. But NOT ON VALENTINE'S DAY. This is the one day where at least one person should take charge and make the other feel special. If you’re broke, get creative—cook dinner, write a heartfelt letter, plan a romantic picnic. Asking to split the bill just kills the vibe.
6. I didn’t get you anything, but my love should be enough.
Ah, the classic “love is enough” excuse. Listen, love is beautiful and priceless, but it doesn’t hurt to put in a little effort. Even a handwritten note or a small thoughtful gift shows you care. Don’t use “love” as a cover-up for laziness.
7. Let’s just chill and watch Netflix.
If this is your first Valentine’s together and you hit her with a lazy, last-minute plan, just know you're rolling the dice on disaster. Sure, Netflix and chill is fun—but not when it’s the only effort you put in. Add some candles, order her favourite meal, and make it feel special.
8. I don’t really do romantic stuff.
Ah yes, the “too cool for love” excuse. Guess what? You’re not dating yourself. Even if romance isn’t your thing, it might be important to her. And compromise is key in relationships. So put in some effort—even if it’s just a heartfelt text.
9. Let’s do something when I get paid.
Translation: You’re only worth it when my bank account allows. If money is tight, there are plenty of affordable romantic gestures you can do without breaking the bank—a handwritten letter, a home-cooked meal, a playlist of songs that remind you of her. It’s the thought that counts, not the price tag.
10. Why do women care so much about Valentine’s Day?
Sir, just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not important to her. Asking this completely invalidates her excitement for the day. Instead of questioning it, just make her happy.
Valentine’s Day isn’t about money, extravagant gifts, or expensive dinners. It’s about effort, love, and making your partner feel special. Avoid these relationship-ruining phrases, and you might just have the perfect Valentine’s Day.
Now, go forth and DO NOT MESS THIS UP.
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