In Seseko village, in the Atwima Mponua district of Ashanti Region, a female teacher makes a daily journey of over 5 kilometres through farms and dense bushes to reach her school, returning the same way after classes.
Her story reflects her commitment to ensuring her students receive an education, despite the challenges she faces.
The video capturing her routine has touched many online. Upon arrival at school, students warmly hug her and eagerly help with her bag. The video also shows her gathering firewood, likely to cook food for her students. These actions demonstrate her care and dedication to her students’ well-being.
Social Media Reactions: Support and Concern
The video has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media, with many expressing admiration for her dedication and concern for her safety and well-being.
Sam (@samini_thekid) wrote
“Naa, this is unacceptable. Just look at the kids; they just want to go to school. These are the things that need to catch the attention of our leaders!”
Shingo (@NaNaCody1) added,
“At the end of the day, her salary won’t reach anywhere, and on top of that, they will even talk down on her. Hmmm, a country called Ghana.”
heikh Zayed (@NiiSheikhZayed): expressed worry over the neglect of politicians in the area.
“Napo and Wontumi said without development, Ashantis will still vote for NPP... so now I don’t worry myself over developmental issues and good systems in the Ashanti region.”
G. Brown (@GBrown32917351):
“I will not leave my wife to go through this risk. Aah ad3n?”
An Urgent Call for Change
The story of this dedicated teacher highlights the challenges faced by educators in rural areas and calls for urgent attention from authorities to improve infrastructure and support for those who are essential to the nation’s education system. Her unwavering spirit serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the profound impact one person can have on many lives.
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