Renowned Ghanaian rapper and songwriter, Eno Barony, recently shared a touching chapter from her life, highlighting the instrumental support she received from Obour, the former President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), during a challenging financial period.
In a sincere revelation during an interview with Fiifi Pratt on Accra-based Kingdom FM, the 'Heavy Load' rapper recounted the remarkable story of how her fellow musician offered a helping hand when she was grappling with financial difficulties.
Eno detailed that she was so broke at a particular time in her life and on one faithful morning, the ‘Killing the Game’ hitmaker randomly called her to come to the East Legon Police Station.
According to her, upon arrival, she realized that Obour had invited her to the East Legon Executive Club to perform a freestyle at the birthday party of Osei Kuffour.
“God richly bless Obour. He called me one day to come along with my songs on a CD to the East Legon Police station.
I took a microphone, It was Osei Kuffour’s birthday. As I was performing, they were showering me with but I could not take any of it,” she said.
The rapper continued by saying that the MC at the program collected all the money that was showered on her during the performance into his pockets.
Obour then proceeded to tell the MC to give back the money to Eno since it was rightfully hers and he only gave her part of the money. However, on her way out, she had some members of the club giving her lots of money.
“On my way out, I decided to go and greet Despite and some of the attendees. As we shook hands, they would add swabs of money to the handshake.
“When I got home, I looked like a pastor who had received an offering in church. When I opened the swabs of money, I saw Euros, Dollars, and Cedis. Charley God bless Obour,” she added.
Born in Tema, Accra, Eno released her debut single, Wats Ma Name and also Tonga, the remix of the track Tonga by Joey B ft Sarkodie in 2014 that lifted her into the limelight.
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