Being a police officer is often considered a job for men in Ghana, but Harriet Aseda Asiedu already dreams of fighting against the crime that ravages her neighbourhood.
Harriet Aseda Asiedu is a 6-year-old, a little girl has a big dream to become a police officer. She wants to be the female Inspector General of Police.
Being a girl in this context is even more challenging. The culture doesn’t often encourage girls to fight for independence or empowerment. Many girls become mothers at a young age, and they are discouraged from pursuing jobs that are considered only for men.
She said I'm a girl, but I can do it! I'm brave too... Being a police officer is all I want to be. There are a lot of bad people living in our city. I don't like this. I want to fight against them.
But this thinking doesn't work for Asiedu. She believes fighting against criminals is her way to make Ghana better.
Earlier, the 6-year-old girl was seen directing traffic with the police Motor Transport and Traffic Directorate (MTTD) at Akyem Oda in the Eastern Region.
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