Rev. Stephen Wengam
The General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Rev. Stephen Wengam, has called for a review of soul-winning and church planting strategies in the body of Christ “and adopt biblical models which align significantly with how God reached the lost.”
He was preaching at the closing ceremony of the National Easter Convention of the Botswana Assemblies of God Church in Gaborone on the theme “The Responsibility the Benefits of Christ’s Resurrection Imposes on the Believer, Go Quickly and Tell: Lessons from the Parable of the Lost Coin and Lost Sheep.”
He encouraged the church in Africa to pursue the MM33 Agenda of the World Fellowship of Assemblies of God designed to plant one million churches by 2033, adding that “the impact and relevance of our church hinge on this.” According him, “the planting of one million churches will help us finish the Great Commission speedily, before even Christ’s returns.”
Rev. Wengam led the leadership and pastors of Botswana Assemblies of God to make a covenant to pursue the targets of the MM33 and the AAGA Revival Fire projects.
The General Superintendent of Botswana Assemblies of God, Bishop John Thusukudu expressed gratitude to Rev Wengam for honouring their invitation at his own cost.
The General Presbytery of Botswana Assemblies of God, presented gifts to Rev. Stephen and Lady Mrs. Monica Wengam.
Earlier, Rev. Wengam preached at “an electrifying and power-packed “Easter Sunday service where he urged Christians in Africa to “appropriate the benefits of Christ’s death to improve the socio-economic development of the continent. We must emulate the selfless life of Jesus and make sacrifices necessary to develop Africa.”
He also spoke at Ministers and Spouses Summit, and Women’s Summit in Gaborone. Rev. Wengam is also the Vice Chairman of Africa Assemblies of God Alliance (AAGA).