The Christian faith emphasises a profound union between believers and Christ – a relationship that transcends mere association and delves into the depths of spiritual reality. This union is articulated in various ways throughout scripture, revealing the transformative nature of the believer’s identity and experience in Christ.
This article explores seven distinct ways believers are bound to Christ, drawing insights from key biblical passages and theological reflections. By examining each aspect of this union, we seek to deepen our understanding of the believer’s spiritual reality and its implications for Christian living.
Crucified Together
In his letters to the Romans and Galatians, the Apostle Paul speaks of believers being crucified together with Christ. This concept underscores the profound nature of our identification with Christ’s death on the cross. Romans 6:5–6 emphasises that through this union, we are made one with Christ in a death like His, leading to a resurrection like His. Galatians 2:20 further emphasises this reality: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” This union in Christ’s crucifixion signifies the death of the old self and the beginning of a new life lived by faith in Christ.
Buried Together
Building upon the concept of crucifixion with Christ, scripture also speaks of believers being buried together with Him. Romans 6:4 and Colossians 2:12 highlight the symbolism of baptism as a representation of this burial with Christ. Not only does baptism signify the washing away of sins, but it’s also the participation in Christ’s death and resurrection.
Through baptism, believers are buried with Christ, symbolising the putting to death of the old self and rising to walk in the newness of life.
Quickened Together
Ephesians 2:5 and Colossians 2:13–14 speak of believers being made alive with Christ, even when they were dead in their trespasses. This quickening or making alive results from God’s grace and forgiveness extended to us through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.
It signifies a spiritual resurrection from the death of sin to a new life of righteousness. This union with Christ in His resurrection empowers believers to live victoriously over sin and walk in obedience to God’s will.
Raised Together
Continuing the theme of resurrection, Ephesians 2:6 and Colossians 3:1–2 highlight believers being raised with Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places. This union speaks of our participation in Christ’s victory over death and our future hope of resurrection.
As Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so too are believers raised to the newness of life and called to set their minds on heavenly things. This union with Christ in His resurrection assures believers of their future inheritance and eternal life.
Seated Together
The imagery of believers seated with Christ emphasises our exalted position and authority in Him. Ephesians 1:20 and 2:6 portray believers as seated with Christ in the heavenly places, signifying our spiritual union and co-reigning with Him.
This union grants believers access to the spiritual blessings and authority bestowed upon Christ by the Father. It invites believers to live in light of their heavenly citizenship and to exercise their authority in Christ to overcome the powers of darkness.
Sufferers Together
Scripture also speaks of believers sharing in Christ’s sufferings as a mark of their union with Him. Romans 8:17 emphasises that if we are children of God, then we are heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with Him. 1 Peter 4:12–16 similarly exhorts believers to rejoice in sharing Christ’s sufferings, recognising that suffering for the sake of Christ leads to future glory. This union with Christ in His sufferings fosters perseverance, character, and hope amid trials, knowing our sufferings are not in vain.
Glorified Together
Finally, believers are assured of being glorified with Christ, as the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory to be revealed. Romans 8:18 and 2 Timothy 2:11–13 affirm that if we have died with Christ, we will also live with Him, endure with Him, and reign with Him. This union guarantees believers’ participation in the fullness of Christ’s glory and the inheritance of eternal life in His presence.
The union of believers with Christ encompasses a multifaceted reality that spans from identification with His death to participation in His resurrection, exaltation and future glory. Each aspect of this union underscores the transformative nature of the believer’s identity and experience in Christ, shaping our outlook, values and conduct.
As we reflect as believers on these truths, may we be encouraged to live in light of our union with Christ, drawing strength, hope and assurance from the one who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Written By
Pastor Mawuli Tsikata
Lead Pastor, Grace Centre
Radio Pastor, Citi 97.3FM
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