A Portrait of Mama, the highly anticipated and most exciting Mother’s Day Diner hosted by Citi TV and Citi FM comes off on Sunday, May 14 at the plush premises of Citi TV at Tesano in Accra.
The event is held every year to give patrons the opportunity to celebrate their mothers and mother figures in their lives.
The event also gives patrons the opportunity to show their mothers how they cherish them for all the sacrifices they made and the pains they endured for the sake of their children.
It will come off at the Citi Gardens, Owula Hansen Lane, Tesano at 4pm.
Patrons will be treated to sumptuous Ghanaian meals, fun-filled activities and dance. There will be lots of giveaways on the day as it will be a night of celebration of motherhood.
Ahead of the event, listeners and viewers of Citi FM and Citi TV were given the opportunity to celebrate their mothers in grand style by submitting a 100-word write-up about their mums beginning with the phrase: “But for Mama…”
Thousands of entries were received as of the end of the period last Friday, 5th May 2023 after which the list was whittled down to 10.
Names of the top 10 finalists will be announced on the Traffic Avenue on Citi FM, today, Tuesday.
The list will subsequently be shortlisted to 3 and will be announced on the Citi Breakfast Show and Breakfast Daily on Wednesday.
Persons seeking to book a seat at this year’s “A Portrait for Mama” should call: 0205973973.
The ‘A Portrait Of Mama’ (Mother’s Day Dinner) is powered by Citi TV with support from Citi FM and is sponsored by Dano Milk and Tasty Tom and supported by the Juis Guy and Veuve Du Vernay.
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