At first, Fifi Kwetey asked all Voltarians to convert to the religion called NDC. Then social media splashed a news item, supposed to have taken place in 2020, of NDC executives taking an oath with a sword in hand and swearing on their lives and the lives of their firstborns, that should they sell the party in the General Election, they should die.
If the executives, only swore on their lives, I will not have any problem. But to involve the lives of their innocent firstborns, it’s a very serious issue. And swearing with a sword in hand is a very serious thing because it is swearing on one’s life.
The NDC has a tradition of blood sacrifice. In 1979, the AFRC started it all when Rawlings killed eight senior military officers including three former heads-of-state. Over forty-years later on Asaase Fm, he confessed that those he killed were innocent, but had to be sacrificed to spare the lives of eighty or so guilty ones.
In 1981, when the PNDC illegally toppled the only united Nkrumaist’s party, PNP, with the help of some Nkrumaists, more innocent blood was shed to entrench the military government. In March 2003, W.O.1 Joseph Adjei Buadi, one-time close friend of Rawlings and a member of the PNDC confirmed this at the National Reconciliation Commission (NRC), when he said adults and children were sacrificed to sustain the June 4 Uprising and the 1981 coup.
The video, coming out again in an election year, is to inform Ghanaians about NDC’s intentions. To win at all cost, as in “Do or Die!!!” H.E. John Mahama’s comment, about Election 2024 to be a Do-or-Die affair, is a serious and dangerous one. Do-or-Die is a situation in which one has to do something, or they will fail, lose, etc. And here that “something,” can include evil.
Prior to Election 2000, ritual murders were rampant. When the culprit was jailed during the NPP regime, NDC top officials went to visit him in jail. Any links?
This “Do-or-Die,” statement and the oath taken in party head office may support the fact that the NDC is an occultic religion, that accepts blood sacrifices of innocent souls, including the firstborns.
In some texts, firstborns are of great spiritual significance to the family. They absorb most of the family karma and transform them into something new. So, to willingly sacrifice a firstborn, is to desire to achieve a greater feat at all cost. God who never condoned the sacrificing of firstborns, willingly gave up His Only Son, to be sacrificed for man to be freed from Satan. It showed how He so much loved the world.
In the case of the NDC, it is all the obvious that the intention of sacrificing firstborns is based on selfishness and greed for power. Power, which if it gets in their hand, will be used to selfishly enrich themselves and not to improve the lot of the ordinary Ghanaian. There was a video on social media, where at an NDC gathering with some of the top members including Hon Ofosu Ampofo and I think H.E. John Mahama, someone stood up and said that next time the NDC comes to power, it will think only about the welfare of its members and not of Ghanaians.
So, the NDC is a religion, like the religious practice of ‘fiashidi’ or ‘trokosi’, where innocent young virgins of the family, are sacrificed to become perpetual vestal slaves in shrines, to atone for crimes they knew nothing about. The question is what if some of these firstborns do not belong to the NDC? This is evil and must not be condoned.
Ghana is certainly shrouded in a dark mist of evil. Below are words the NDC high priest made executives to recite after him, when signing that pact with Satan: “As I held this sword, I make a vow, that if I compromise and sell my party the NDC, out for money for this coming elections, may I die and my firstborn, die in my place. So, help me God.”
The words, “So, help me God,” do not in any way refer to the Triune God. It is to an unknown spirit, which the NDC high priest refers to here, as god. God as we know does not accept human sacrifices. In Genesis 22: 1-19. He tested Abraham to know how deeply the man loves Him and when Abraham passed the test, He replaced Isaac with a ram.
In Judges 6:29-40, God ignored Jephthah who vowed to sacrifice the first person who comes to welcome him when he returns home, victorious over the Ammonites. Jephthah’s daughter was the first to welcome him.
He became downhearted and broken and he had to do, what he had vowed to do. Will he have been depressed if an unrelated person came to welcome him? Wishing evil for someone, could unfortunately turn round and hit one in the face. These NDC members should be careful what they are wishing for.
NDC is an occultic religion and all the firstborns of the party’s executives must take note. They must submit themselves to God and ask for protection. To Ghanaians, we must all pray for this country and ask God to cleanse the NDC.
Fifi Kwetey has spoken and what he said is the truth, the NDC is a religion.
By Hon. Daniel Dugan
The post So, indeed the NDC is a Religion! appeared first on The Chronicle News Online.
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