As you desire a political journey in Africa, be mindful of the valuable lessons you will earn along the way. Your journey will begin with a passion to serve and make a difference in your community. You will be driven by a desire to bring about transformation and fight for social justice.
However, as you delve deeper into the political landscape, you will soon realize that the system is corrupted. The very institutions and individuals who are mandated to serve the people are instead serving their selfish interests. You will be faced with a choice: compromise your values and play the game, or stand firm and risk everything.
You might choose the latter. You might stop engaging in political activities to avoid betraying your values and principles. It won’t be an easy decision, but you will learn that it was the best and right one to make. You won’t be able to continue fighting for a cause hijacked by corruption and greed.
The consequences will be immediate. You will be ostracized by your colleagues and peers. This will lead to your political career coming to an end abruptly. However, you won’t lose your sense of purpose and nationalism. Instead, you will find a new path, one that will be guided by your integrity, sense of self, and accountability.
You will begin to focus on grassroots initiatives and community projects that align with your values.
You will set out to scout and work with like-minded individuals who share your passion for equitable socioeconomic transformation. Together, you will make a difference in your small way, without the need for political power or national recognition.
Looking back, you will realize that, your journey was not about achieving political power, but about staying true to yourself; serving in dignity and honesty. You will also learn that the pursuit of power and status is fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling. What matters most is the integrity of our actions and the positive impact we have on the world around us.
In the end, you won’t lose your soul; you will find it. And for that, you’ll be eternally grateful.
Kojo Asiamah Addo
Lead Advocate,
Social Watch Africa.
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