Miss Lady Nana Yaa Nsarko, the newly crowned Miss Malaika Ghana 2023 Queen at the just-ended grand finale, has been appointed ambassador for the 2023/2024 HIV/AIDs Campaign by the Ghana AIDs Commission.
As has been the modus operandi of the most esteemed beauty pageant in Ghana – Miss Malaika Ghana, the crowned queen is tasked to pick a project which addresses social issues in society and seek to create awareness and more during her reign. Miss Lady Nsarko, whose project was centred on awakening the HIV/AIDs campaign, made a passionate appeal on the need to use condoms – both by males and females. She also touched on the need to get tested and called on society to stop stigmatising people living with the virus.
Days after her crowning, Miss Lady Nsarko was appointed by the Ghana Aids Commission as the 2023/2024 campaign ambassador. The winner, together with her runners-up, Miss Fareeda Habib and Enyam Dzandu, joined the Ghana Aids Commission at the just-ended global celebration of world AIDs Day to mark the celebration locally.
The Miss Malaika 2023 Queen was out-doored as the campaign ambassador at the event, with major responsibilities. The commission mentioned that the campaign this year will be centring on the various communities, hence, the theme for this year being ‘Let Communities Lead’.
Speaking at the event, the Director-General of the Ghana AIDs Commission, Dr. Kyeremah Atuahene, expressed the commission’s excitement on the Queen’s chosen project and pledged to support her as she embarks on her project throughout and even after her reign.
The newly crowned Queen, Miss Lady Nsarko, expressed her gratitude by committing to champion the campaign to deepen the awareness on HIV/AIDs, prompt self-testing, reduce the stigma surrounding it and most importantly, eradicate HIV/AIDs by 2030. She was joined by her runners-ups, who have, on their part, pledged to support her during her project.
Miss Malaika Ghana is a Charterhouse production.
The post Miss Malaika 2023 winner is new HIV/AIDs campaign ambassador appeared first on The Business & Financial Times.
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